Red Dawn Rising Live Online Prayer Event!
ATTENTION PRAY-ERS! Your presence is requested in The War Room tomorrow night where we will continue to cover America, Donald Trump and...

We Are No Longer Puzzled, The Pieces Have Fallen Into Place & We're Taking Our Country Back!
Heavenly Father… This is not difficult to figure out, this one thing we know, You are God Almighty, All by Yourself. You are The One True...

America Red Looks Good On You!
Heavenly Father… We gather in masse to shout to the Highest Heaven, surely You are Great, Glorious and Grand! We approach The Throne, bow...

If God Be For Us Who Dare Be Against Us?
Heavenly Father… We come locked and loaded, our Faith cemented and secured, we Trust God and we will not be moved. We gathered this...

America Will No Longer Be An ATM To The Liberal Elites, We Are Pulling The Plug!
Heavenly Father… We come excited, united and in great anticipation of what You are doing for us, this election and Your America! We come...

We Declare This Election Covered By The Blood And Protected By God Almighty!
Heavenly Father… We come this morning in agreement that You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. You are our Answer, our Hope, and our...

Live Online Prayer Event 10.15.16
Join us in The War Room tonight the 25th of October, 2016 where we will join our Faith, cover and saturate our nation and this election...

The Final Countdown To The Trump Presidency!
Heavenly Father… We are back and in force, full of Faith and discourse about Your Goodness and Greatness! We come to present our...

God Created The Universe And Everything In It, This Election Is Not Too Hard For Him!
Heavenly Father… We come to Glorify and Magnify The One True Living God. We are certain and absolutely sure there is no one and none like...

A Vote For Hillary Is A Vote For Tyranny, Treason, Terror And Totalitarianism!
Heavenly Father… We come in one accord, total agreement that You are The One True Living God. You are our High Tower our refuge in the...

The Key To Freeing America From Tyranny Is The Prayers Of The People!
Heavenly Father… We unlock Your Gates with our Gratitude & Thanksgiving, we unbuckle Your Power with our Praise. We came to open the...

T-18 Days To The Greatest Take Over & Make Over In America's History!
Heavenly Father… We rocket past the chaos and confusion, the upset and turmoil because in Your Presence there is Peace, Strength and...

Let The Evidence Speak!
Heavenly Father… We come as lawyers and defenders to bring our case before The Most High. We gain access by entering The Gates with...

Don't Worry About This Debate Mr. Trump, We Got Your Back!
Heavenly Father… We are present and accounted for as we assemble together in the Presence of our Lord and prepare to do battle We come...

America Under Construction!
Heavenly Father… We come in great number, streaming through Your Gates carrying our Thanksgiving & Gratitude. We file into Your Courts to...