Scanned for Honor, Excellence, Integrity Results: Hillary Clinton -- None Found.
Heavenly Father… We come to seek Your Face, Favor & Forgiveness, to bring You all our Gratitude & Thanksgiving and to offer You the...

Our Faith Surrounds Him, Our Prayers Protect Him.
Heavenly Father… We come to be enclosed within Your Presence, encircled by Your Grace! We bring with us all our Gratitude & Thanksgiving,...

To Hillary Clinton We The People Say: Access Denied!
Heavenly Father… We come humbly and with Grateful hearts knowing that if not for Your Grace & Mercy we would have been destroyed. We...

No Flag? That's Not Gonna Fly With Us!
Heavenly Father… We come to offer our Gratitude & Thanksgiving to participate in Your royal courts with Praise. We wave our flag of...

A Donald Trump Presidency Is The Path To Greatness Again!
Heavenly Father… We come unashamed, blatant and brazen with Gratitude, Thanksgiving, Praise & Worship. Many times we are ostracized and...

We Will Continue To Pave The Path To The Presidency Through Prayer!
Heavenly Father… We come ever mindful of Your Grace that sustains us, Your Mercy that maintains us. In Your Presence there is Purpose,...

The Glass Ceiling Over America Is Being Broken!
Heavenly Father… We gather to sing our Praises, shout our Worship. We come to Bless You, Praise You, Honor You, Lift You Up and Magnify...

With A Trump First Family America's Families Will Never Be Last!
Heavenly Father… We come to celebrate, sanctify and consecrate You! We gather as one with those in Your Courts to Lift You Up and Magnify...

The Family Is Expanding, America Is Trump's New Baby!
Heavenly Father… When we consider all the Splendor and Majesty, the Works of Your Hands; we perceive You are The One True Living God, we...

Ted Cruz Is Irrelevant...Message To America!
#TedCruz #TheAmericaProject #RNC #BarakObama #PrayForAmerica #DonaldTrumpforPresident #IntercessorsforAmerica #ClevelandConvention2016...

The Bridge To A Better America Is About To Begin Construction!
Heavenly Father… We gather to bring to You all we have and all we are. May our Gratitude & Thanksgiving, Praise & Worship by which we...

In Spite Of The Left's Best Efforts To Stop Us We Made Donald Trump Our Nominee!
Heavenly Father… We gathered today to be in The Presence of the Most High. We bring with us immense Gratitude, extreme Thankfulness! We...

Covering The Convention, Our Candidate And Our Country In Prayer!
Heavenly Father… We come through Your Gates our hearts heavy under the weight of our failures. We have sinned so greatly against You. We...

Convention Prayer Team Online Prayer Event Tonight 07.18.16 -- 8:00pm EST!
Come join us as we plead The Blood of Jesus over the door posts of this event, over our candidate and all innocent Americans attending!...