2016: The Year God Voted!
Heavenly Father… What an honor and a privilege to gather on this the last day of 2016 in Gratitude & Thanksgiving to our miracle working...

Together With Trump We Will Erase The Worst Mistake In American History!
Heavenly Father… As we prepare to leave 2016 and enter 2017 we do so with bounteous Gratitude, bountiful Thanksgiving. Those with eyes to...

The Clock Is Ticking, Time Is Running Out For Our Evil Government.
Heavenly Father… We congregate this morning to bring our accumulated Gratitude & Thanksgiving to The One Who is Always Worthy, Forever...

America Was Headed Left Which Was The Wrong Way But Now We're Going Right!
Heavenly Father… We rush to the path that leads to Your Presence. We gather to participate in the Praise & Worship due The One True...

Israel Is Forever, Barak Obama Is Not!
Heavenly Father… We come to give Thanks and Gratitude to The Only One True Living God! We offer up all our Praise & Worship to The One...

Today We Gather At The Manger A Grateful Nation!
Heavenly Father… We gather as a nation at the manger on this day. We come to Acknowledge & Adore The One Who is The Gift! We come and lay...

America Got An Early Present This Year!
Heavenly Father… We can’t out-present You, we can’t out-give You but we come anyway because our love and devotion is still precious to...

God Gave An Extraordinary Assignment To An Exceptional Man!
Heavenly Father… We breathe in Your Glory we exhale Your Praise! We come humbled and lowly to Worship The One Worthy Who Sits on High!...

He Summons CEO's The Week Of Christmas And They Come Running!
Heavenly Father… We move in unified motion through The Gates of Heaven to deliver mounds of Gratitude, heaps of Thanksgiving. We come...

Coming Soon: Inauguration 45!
Heavenly Father… We come delighted and excited to bring You our Gratitude and Thanksgiving. We acknowledge that everything we are, have...

We Just Dropped The Mic & The Hammer!
Heavenly Father… We come in reverential fear and awe of our Amazing, Absolute, All-Powerful God! We come to lift You up and Magnify Your...

God Almighty Will Have His Way In This Electoral Vote 2016!
Heavenly Father… We are gathered from across this nation and around the world to bring to Our God unified Gratitude & Thanksgiving,...

President Donald J. Trump, The Gift That Will Keep On Giving!
Heavenly Father… We come full of Gratitude and Thanksgiving for this season in which we celebrate the greatest gift we could ever...

The Man Who Ran On Hope & Change Brought America To Its Knees!
Heavenly Father… My Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and Righteousness! I will have no other God before me. I will bow...

America Is Soaring Once Again Because Of The Unity Of Prayer & Harmony of Faith
Heavenly Father… Our Faith rises our Expectations soar as we enter into Your Presence this day. With Grateful hearts and Thankful spirits...