In Times Of Crisis Call On 911 For Help!
Heavenly Father… Some days we come in joy, some in sorrow…but we always come because in Your Presence is peace, power and promise....

Donald J. Trump Will Turn America Around On A Dime!
Heavenly Father… We come promptly into Your Presence, swiftly to Your gallery of Glory! We bring with us our hearts filled with...

The Lion Speaks!
Heavenly Father… We come roaring into Your Presence to proclaim our Praise & Worship and give voice to our Gratitude & Thanksgiving!...

He Wears Kevlar Instead Of Metal & His Weapons Are His Words!
Heavenly Father… We come humbly and with haste through Your Gates with Thanksgiving and into Your Courts with Praise. We pursue Your...

Together We Will Beat Them At Their Own Game!
Heavenly Father… We come boldly to Your Throne of Grace to bring The One Who is Always Worthy Our Gratitude & Thanksgiving, our Praise &...

The Talents Of Trump The Will Of The People & Truth Will Prevail!
Heavenly Father… We rise on the wings of Faith soar above the confusion and chaos and into Your Presence. We came to deliver our...

We Fight With Faith, We War With Worship, We Are America's Intercessors!
Heavenly Father… We come with audacious Faith and bring Gratitude & Thanksgiving immeasurable. We push past our circumstances and the...

This Land Is Our Land This Land Not "Their' Land!
Heavenly Father… At Your Word: “Enter into His Gates with Thanksgiving, and into His Courts with Praise: be Thankful to Him, and Bless...

Donald Trump Is The Kryptonite To This Administration.
Heavenly Father… We come united and are on a mission to get through Your Gates with our Thanksgiving & Gratitude and into Your Courts...

Donald Trump Exposes The Lies And The Liars!
Heavenly Father… We know and we came to claim the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but The Truth that You and You alone are God...

A Father Is One Who Defends His Territory and Protects Those He Loves!
Heavenly Father… We come to Honor & Adore You, our Heavenly Father. We come because there is Peace in Your Presence, there is Gladness in...

Our Nightmare Is The Dream of This Administration: Destroy America!
Heavenly Father… We come through this hellish nightmare to get into Your Presence for protection and into Your Glory for Grace! Only You...

Every Step You Take, Every Life You Forsake, America is Watching You!
Heavenly Father… We keep our focus on You as we make our way through the madness to get into Your Presence. We will not be distracted...

It's Not ISIL It's ISIS, It's Not Islamaphobia It's About Protecting Americans!
Heavenly Father… We come armed with Gratitude & Thanksgiving, outfitted with Praise! We rise about the enemy in Your Presence. Your Glory...

Donald Trump's Birthday Was America's Gift!
Heavenly Father… Your Presence is a present, Your Glory a gift. Daily we delight in bringing to You our Praise and Worship. Gladly we...