Who Told You To Stand Down?

Heavenly Father…
We come with humble hearts this morning to bring You the Honor & Glory You deserve. We are eternally Grateful, Forever Thankful for Your Grace & Mercy, Your Presence & Power! We bring You all Our Praise & Worship!
The Lord would say this day to You America, “Who told you to stand down as prayer was removed from your schools? Who told you to hold your peace while abortion was being legalized? Who ordered you to be silent as marriage and family was redefined? Who authorized you to allow this Anti-Christ agenda to prevail?” ”NOT ME!” says the Lord God Almighty!!! ”I expect you to contend for the Faith, I demand you fight for your country!” …I insist says The Lord of Hosts!!! ”If you must stand with a Bible in one hand and a weapon in the other as they did in the days of old while rebuilding the wall…do it…rebuild America to what I created you to be!” …I have anointed you to be victorious!
“Rise up, rise up America and use the weapons I have instilled inside of you to bring forth the Great Awakening and retake this nation for Me and restore Righteousness in this land!”
…this I require of you! ”You say you are of the Faith, that you belong to Me then rise up, take up the weapons I have provided and take back what the enemy has stolen!”
…I have authorized it! ”I never instructed my Church to be meek, mild, timid and afraid! As the Bride of Christ you must contend for your Groom, you must decimate anything that would try to remove Me from the landscape of your lives!”
…this is My command says The Father!
“I Am The Great I Am and I will not take second place in your lives or in this nation which I forged, I formed, I founded!” ….echoes The God of The Universe!
“Choose this day Who you will serve, take a side, make a decision but do not think I will continue to allow this repulsive spirit of passivity that has permeated my people to prevail!”
…choose your side and choose your weapon!
“The weapons of your warfare are not carnal, what I have infused inside you no man on earth and no devil in hell can over take, over whelm or over power when you unite and fight!”
…My word is final says The Great I Am!
“If you will come together open your mouths and release your Faith into the atmosphere, I will put My Power behind it and My Will shall prevail. Do not assume because I have brought Donald Trump My servant to the forefront that you are not equally part of this equation, you must contend, you must confront, you must contest!”
…I have commissioned you!
“Just as I have chosen Donald J. Trump, I have chosen you for such a time as this!”
…you are anointed and appointed for this mission!
“For those who choose Me, I choose you and I will release upon you My Strength, Might, Power, Spirit, Wisdom, Favor, Anointing, Revelation, Peace, Insight, Strategies, Promotion, Protection and Prosperity in ever increasing, never ending measure!”
…I Am God and I will have the final say! To God Be The Honor and Glory, Might and Majesty Forever!!!
God Bless America & Israel Forever and Ever!!!
In Jesus Mighty & Holy Name!!! Amen & Amen!!!