Open Your Eyes And See There Are More With Us Than With Them!
Heavenly Father… We come into Your Presence cloaked in Gratitude, armed with Thanksgiving. We raise our sword of Praise and blow the...

While The Left Spins Out Of Control, President Trump Executes #LikeABoss!
Heavenly Father… We come to You with in spirit and in Truth, with clarity of mind and determination of heart to bring You all our...

Only The Mindless Prefer Political Correctness Over Protection From Terror!
Heavenly Father… The longer we stay in Your Presence the stronger we become in spirit and in truth. That is why we run to gather in Your...

With President Trump It's Non-Stop Action! #ThatIsHowWeRoll!
Heavenly Father… Because You got involved, we have a President who gave his Blessing to March for Life; Bless Your Holy Name! Because You...

When A Heartbeat Is Detected The Baby Is Protected!
Heavenly Father… There are not enough words in the English language to describe the true magnitude of our Gratitude, the depth of our...

As The Dow Went Up The Hammer Came Down!
Heavenly Father… As our Praises go up let Your Presence come down. Release Your Glory; dispense a Holy Spirit rain from Heaven. May our...

President Trump: Doing What He Promised! #ImagineThat!
Heavenly Father… We come continually to give all Honor & Glory, Praise & Worship To the God Who Sits High and Looks Low. We give all...

We Converge & Cancel The Assignment of Satan Against America!
Heavenly Father… We came today to reestablish and reconfirm our dedication and devotion to You. We are forever Grateful, eternally...

God Is On The Move Across America!
Heavenly Father… We come to extend our Gratitude & Thanksgiving to The One True Living God. We invite Your Presence with our Praise and...

And Just Like That The Reversal Of The Tyranny Begins!
Heavenly Father… We enter this day through Your Gates with Thanksgiving, Grateful Hearts and satisfied souls. You are the air we breathe,...

In One Day God Restored Dignity & Grace To The White House!
Heavenly Father… You are The God of One Day. One day the stars were not there and the next they were. In one day You set the sun and the...

The Inauguration 2017 Prayer
Heavenly Father… We come in awe of Your Grace and amazed by Your Mercy. When we clearly did not deserve it, You extended Your Hand to...

Trump Took This Historical Landmark and Turned It Around: America is Next!
Heavenly Father… Before we celebrate and commemorate the day America is turned back from the brink, we come first to Honor & Glorify The...

With Each Passing Night We Edge Closer To A New Day In America! #TwoMoreWakeUps!
Heavenly Father… We rush to bring You all our Gratitude & Thanksgiving. We hurry to get into Your Presence, we race to gather in Your...

You Think We Don't Have This Covered...Think Again!
Heavenly Father… We come to lay down Gratitude & Thanksgiving as we pick up Your Strength! We exchange Praise & Worship for Your Power!...