Welcome To...
The America Project
Where America Is Our Project!
We are about keeping America lifted up before The Father in prayer.
We must never again allow the enemy access into our government as we have in the past.
After a friend of mine added me to a group on Facebook called Retrumplicans. I decided my contribution could be penning a daily prayer for our nation and for Donald Trump. It caught on and has become a prayer movement. Click below to see those posts.
Daily Prayer
The Book
Encouraged by a fellow intercessor we took a compilation of some of the daily prayers and put into a book. Originally the plan was just to do one to get to Mr. Trump but immediately we had requests from those following my daily prayer posts for a copy.
Let's Connect

Do you pray? We invite you to get connected with others who understand the importance of never letting our country slide back into moral decay. We must reamin vigilent long after the elections are over. In fact, we must remain on high alert and keep the fires of intercession burning continually.
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