Line By Line, Precept Upon Precept
Heavenly Father… We come honored to bring You the Praise & Worship that only You are Worthy to receive! We come Grateful & Thankful...

America Has Set Sail For A New Destination!
Heavenly Father… Only the blind could not see how close this nation came to utter annihilation. Just as the Titanic skimmed atop the...

With These Words We Will Defeat Our Enemies.
Heavenly Father… “So here I am in the place of Worship, eyes open, drinking in Your Strength and Glory. In Your generous love, I am...

We Get Up Every Day To Show Up And Stand Up For Our Country!
Heavenly Father… We come focused in Faith, intentional in our pursuit because You are Worthy, You are Holy, and You are God! We bring You...

They Have Turned Our Government Into Their Personal ATM!
Heavenly Father… We come to make another deposit of Gratitude & Thanksgiving, Praise & Worship. At the same time, we seek to withdraw...

As A Nation, We Will Explore The Universe & Engage The Creator Of It!
Heavenly Father… As humans, we try but merely scratch the surface of this great universe. It expands beyond our capability to comprehend...

God Did Not Fall Off His Throne Because Of This!
Heavenly Father… We enter through the Gates of The God Who Was and Is and Is To come with Grateful and Thank-filled hearts! We Praise The...

It's Simple Really!
Heavenly Father… There is nothing confusing are hard about why we do what we do. We rush to press into Your Presence and gather in Your...

The Light Of God's Glory Is Shining On America!
Heavenly Father… We come with hearts and hands lifted as we give Thanks and extend all our Gratitude to our God! We know in Whom we...

God Did Not Bring Us This Far To Fail!
Heavenly Father… We come energized and excited as we enter Your Gates with Thanksgiving and into Your Courts with Praise. Our greatest...

As The Illumination Of The Left Fades, The Light Of His Glory Shines Bright Over America!
Heavenly Father… “Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the Light of Your Presence, Lord.” (Ps...

If They Won't Keep Our President Safe, We Will!
Heavenly Father… We gather to give You all our Gratitude & Thanksgiving. We enter Your Holy Place to express our love and adoration, to...

It Will Not Go Well For Those Who Do Not Heed This Word From The Lord.
Heavenly Father… We come roaring through Your Gates this morning with shouts of Gratitude, Thanksgiving, Praise, and Worship! We press...

These Corrupt Judges Corroborating With Evil Will be Judged!
Heavenly Father… We Enter Your Gates with Thanksgiving and come into Your Courts with Praise. We seek Your Face, Favor & Forgiveness on...

It's Time To Redefine & Revive The Institution Of Family In America!
Heavenly Father… We enter Your Gates this morning Grateful & Thankful that You are the God who answers prayer and supplies all our needs....