America Will No Longer Be An ATM To The Liberal Elites, We Are Pulling The Plug!

Heavenly Father…
We come excited, united and in great anticipation of what You are doing for us, this election and Your America! We come full of Gratitude, bursting with Thanksgiving for Who You are and all You do. We lift our Faith, Faces and Voices in unison and sing out Praise & Worship to The One True Living God. Your Presence is evident, Your Glory unmistakable. You have heard our prayers and petitions from Heaven and You are fighting this battle for us. We show up and create an atmosphere worthy of our King, we pave the path with our Faith and then God Almighty, All-Powerful and Absolute shows up and shows off!
As we approach the day of reckoning, November 8th, we are well aware that this nation has become nothing more than an ATM to the liberal elites.
But we are now United and have decided to unplug their machine and short circuit their plans. We evoke The Spirit of The Living God to come against and cut down the enemies of America!
We combine our Faith with the Will of God and we declare Hillary Clinton, the Clinton machine, the Clinton Foundation, Barak Obama, this establishment, George Soros and every individual aligned with them BANKRUPT of finances, resources and power!
We extend mercy and pray for their lost souls that there might be on some level within them the ability to fall to their knees, repent and turn from their wicked ways. Father YOU created Paul out of Saul…do it again!
But we continue to pray the Justice of God and of this land fall upon their heads for what they have done to this great nation. We declare America is FREE from the tyranny of this wicked sitting government!
We prophecy: we are a prosperous nation, everything we put our hands to flourishes, we will regain the wealth that has been squandered, we will see jobs flood back to our people, we will realize and explosion of new inventions and technology, we will create great wealth from our own resources, we will become completely independent from the anti-Christ nations and their oil, we will see health care reformed and insurance affordable, we will once again be Blessed to be a Blessing!
We take authority over every demon, devil, principality, power, witch and warlock, we strip you of your hold on America and your positions in high places.
We declare the air waves over America brimming and saturated with angel armies who will remain there and defend this nation from darkness from this day and forever!
Omnipotent God, You are Extraordinary, Immense and Immortal, open Your Mighty Right Hand, release Your daggers and obliterate every demon assigned to steal this election!
Hurl down brimstone and fire upon the heads of every devil-agent on assignment. With Your Left Hand sweep across and clear the atmosphere over America from the principalities positioned there!
We are America’s intercessors, the Watchmen on the Wall. Our Faith is our fortress!
We are undoubting, unperturbed and untroubled!
We are unconcerned, undaunted and unafraid!
We are rock steady and standing firm as we declare and echo into the stratospheres…IF OUR GOD BE FOR US WHO ARE YOU TO THINK YOU CAN STAND AGAINST US!
We stand on the Firm Foundation of Faith, Jesus Christ is our solid rock and we forge forward, advance toward the enemy absolutely confident, convinced and sure the victory is ours! We call it done in The Name of Jesus!
We plead The Blood of Jesus over the door posts of our lives, over the head of Donald Trump, over our military and police, over our unborn and those abused and abandoned both people and animals, over our government and every public office and around the borders of our nation. We declare no man on earth and no devil in hell can prevail against The Blood!
I declare the Power, Peace, Presence, Purpose, Promotion, Protection, Wisdom, Favor, Anointing and Prosperity of God is upon me and my house, the intercessors, Donald Trump, this Mission and this Movement and it will remain upon us in ever increasing, never ending measure from this day and forever!
To God Be All The Honor And Glory!!! God Bless & Keep America & Israel Forever!!!
In Jesus Mighty & Holy Name!!!
Amen & Amen!!!