
Heavenly Father…
We gather to give Honor and Glory, to sing High Praise and Worship The God Who Hears from Heaven!
Receive Your Word, O Lord:"...But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, "May the Lord, who is good, pardon everyone who sets their heart on seeking God—the Lord, the God of their ancestors—even if they are not clean according to the rules of the sanctuary." And the Lord heard Hezekiah and healed the people." (2 Chr 30:18-20)
May these prayers we pray in Unity for our nation reverberate throughout all of Heaven. May they remain in Your ears, O Lord, day and night along with our Praises and Worship.
May the angels hearken to the voice we give Your Word: "Also in Judah, the hand of God was on the people to give them unity of mind to carry out what the king and his officials had ordered, following the word of the LORD." (2 Chr 30:12)
Forgive us, O God, have Mercy is our plea. Place Your Hand upon us in greater measure so that we, Your people, can accomplish all that You have for us to achieve.
Remove the veil from the eyes of the deceived. Bring more Believers into the fold to fast, fight, and pray for America.
Bless those who came out of the coma and have been dedicated and devoted to praying perpetually for our nation. Lift them up and bring down every demon, devil, principality, and power of darkness!
Magnify the Power of our Unity. Intensify Your Presence in our midst. Amplify the sound of Revival, Restoration, & Righteousness!
Rip to shreds the demonic liberal machine. Tear to pieces the powers that drive people to hate You and desire to destroy us. Crush the head of every demon that has infiltrated our government! Expose every lie! Run the liars out of government, media and every other Mountain of Influence!
Hear our cries, in one accord, rise up and bring Your Mighty Fist down! Give the Word and release angel armies to descend and defeat satan and his minions.
Father, we fall short often times, but of this, we are rock solid, we love You and this great nation You have Blessed us with. To the best of our ability, we purpose to keep the fires of Faith burning and keep the prayers lifted up until we see the manifestation of everything we came for!
Give us this day the wealth of the wicked, every political position of power, an outpouring of The Holy Spirit, and Your Favor and Anointing as our portion!
We plead The Blood of Jesus over the doorposts of our lives, over the head of President Trump, his Presidency, Mike Pence, their families, the Supreme Court, the Military, Police, Firefighters, First Responders, families, marriages, the unborn, those abused and abandoned, both people and animals, those ensnared by human trafficking, those bound by addiction and all who fight to stop this epidemic of evil, the Congress and every public office, around the borders and on the Gates of our nation.
We declare no man on earth, and no devil in hell can ever prevail against The Blood of Jesus Christ!
We declare the Power, Peace, Presence, Purpose, Promotion, Protection, Prosperity, Wisdom, Favor, and Anointing of God is on me and my house and all we represent in ever increasing, never-ending measure!
To God Be All Honor & Glory!!!
God Bless America & Israel Forever and Ever!!!
In Jesus Mighty & Holy Name!!!
Amen & Amen!!!
Penned by: Sherry Higdon