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Heavenly Father…

We gather this day to bow low before our Almighty, Gracious God! We enter Heaven's Gates with Thanksgiving and file into the Courts with Praise!

We come by way of the Cross and The Name above all Names, Jesus our Lord and Savior! We arrive in Faith believing that You, O God, made a way where there was no way for us to return to and spend eternity in Your Presence.

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." (1 John 14)

We Thank You, Lord, for the gift of Your Son and the price He paid! We are eternally Grateful to have been plucked out of the darkness and ushered into the Light!

"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

We come seeking Your Face, Favor, and Forgiveness on behalf of a nation rancid with the stench of sin. We request that Grace over ourselves as we need Your Forgiveness fresh every day.

O, Lord, how we, as a nation, must grieve and cause You great consternation! We continue to fall into the traps set by satan and allow ourselves to be swayed by deception.

One moment Your people were celebrating escaping Pharoah, the next they were coming against Moses and crying to go back! The same lips that shouted Hosanna as Jesus rode in on the donkey a short time later spewed crucify Him!

You raised up a man to save this nation from the jaws of certain death and yet those called by Your Name do not recognize or appreciate what You have done. They disrespect You when they diss our President and turn on him in a moment. God forgive us for this is grievous and egregious.

Lord, we repent on behalf of America for allowing You to be mocked and denied access to our public places. We sincerely regret that Jesus Christ is only tolerated one week out of the year! We are so sorry that we sat back and allowed Your nation to be overrun by liberal demons and demonic strongholds!

Those who gather around these prayers come as Your Remnant, full of Faith, Confidence, and Courage. God, hear the cry of Your Intercessors today and rain down Revival Fire instead of the brimstones this country deserves!

We declare the Hand of Favor and Anointing of God is upon us, His Forgiveness, Grace, and Mercy fresh every day. We decree America is a Christian nation and we will not stop fighting until our leadership and government returns to the roots of Jesus Christ!

We will continue to get up and show up and declare over this land that it is Holy Ground, and the majority is moral, Righteousness and Right Living are normal, Truth is honored, and Integrity is respected!

We prophesy God Almighty is restoring the years lost because of the silence and cowardice of the Church!

"So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, The crawling locust, The consuming locust, And the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you." (Joel 2:25)

While America will recognize and call this week Holy, we acknowledge, live for, and are eternally Grateful to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and declare from the crib to the Cross every moment was Holy!

We plead The Blood of Jesus Christ over the doorposts of our lives, over the head of President Donald Trump, over his Presidency, over Mike Pence and their families, over The Supreme Court, over our new administration, over our Military and Police, over our Firefighters and First Responders, over our unborn and those abused and abandoned both people and animals, over those ensnared in human trafficking, over those bound by addiction and those fighting to stop this epidemic, over our Congress and every public office and around the borders of our nation. We declare no man on earth, and no devil in hell can ever prevail against The Blood!

I declare the Power, Peace, Presence, Purpose, Promotion, Protection, Wisdom, Favor, Anointing and Prosperity of God is for me and my house, the intercessors, Donald Trump, this Mission and this Movement and upon us they will remain in ever increasing, neverending measure from this day forward and forever!

To God Be All Honor And Glory!!!

God Bless The Intercessors!!!

God Bless & Keep America & Israel Forever!!!

In Jesus Mighty & Holy Name We Pray!!!

Amen & Amen!!!


Penned By: Sherry Higdon

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