
Heavenly Father…
“O God, You are awesome from Your sanctuary The God of Israel Himself gives strength and power to the people Blessed be God!” (Ps 68:35)
O Lord God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and earth, we come to deliver Gratitude, Thanksgiving, Praise & Worship to The One Who is always Worthy, forever Holy!
Those who gather here daily Believe in the God of the Supernatural, the Great I Am whose Power is Unmatched, Unsurpassed and Unlimited!
All the Force of every storm, fire, flood, earthquake, or bomb could not begin to equal Your Might and Strength!
You are Magnificent, Marvelous and Matchless! You are Eminent, Exalted and Everlasting! You are King of Kings, Lord of Lords, our Majesty!
We gather this morning to Unify in Faith, lock arms in Prayer to release and unleash The Power of God Almighty against every demon, devil, principality, and power in high places.
We declare NO WEAPON formed against us shall prosper, and with God, on our side, we will prevail.
The darkness has increased trying to hide the good and Righteous that yet remain. The lying, perverted mainstream media would have us believe that none are good, that we have all turned on each other.
But the devil is a liar, Goodness still dwells amongst us, Caring and Compassion has not packed up and moved. Helping and Hospitality have not abandoned us.
The winds can blow, the waves can crash but when the tempests die the spirit of America lives, shows up and is strong!
Together we are a force hell cannot handle. Our UNITY is a weapon of mass destruction against the demons of darkness.
We exercise our authority, and we bind the hands, gag the mouths and shackle the feet of the corrupted who desire to decimate this nation.
We come against every threat, domestic and foreign. We evoke The Spirit of The Living God to eviscerate, decapitate and destroy every demon, devil, principality, and power of hell.
We call down the Power of God against the mainstream media. We declare, decree and prophesy it will dry up, wither and die in The Name of Jesus and in its place will rise an institution of Truth, Excellence and Integrity!
We provoke The Living God to move against every member of Congress who is working against our President, who is corrupted and contaminated with greed and lust for power.
O God, be swift about it, do not allow them to linger in office any longer. Strip them all of their power and influence. Bring them to their knees in repentance. Replace every repugnant Republican and demonized Democrat with Your people who have been called, chosen and set apart for this assignment.
We thank You that in spite of the message, the Truth is that there is still Good in people. Many walk in Righteousness and Right Standing. The Love of God is evident for those willing to look for it.
We lift up President Trump, and we pray down Your Power, Protection, Promotion, Peace, Wisdom, Discernment, Favor and Anointing to increase upon him daily.
We leave no aspect of his life or Presidency exposed to the enemy. Let anything from the enemy that attempts to touch him or his family be incinerated by The Fire of God!
Give us this day the wealth of the wicked, the seven mountains, the head and body of the serpent and Your Favor and Anointing as our portion!
That Goodness and Righteousness remain is…
We plead The Blood of Jesus Christ over the doorposts of our lives, over the head of President Donald Trump, over his Presidency, over Mike Pence and their families, over The Supreme Court, over our new administration, over our Military and Police, over our Firefighters and First Responders, over our unborn and those abused and abandoned both people and animals, over those ensnared in human trafficking, over our Congress and every public office and around the borders of our nation. We declare no man on earth, and no devil in hell can ever prevail against The Blood!
I declare the Power, Peace, Presence, Purpose, Promotion, Protection, Wisdom, Favor, Anointing and Prosperity of God is for me and my house, the intercessors, Donald Trump, this Mission and this Movement and upon us they will remain in ever increasing, never-ending measure from this day forward and forever!
To God Be All Honor And Glory!!!
God Bless The Intercessors!!!
God Bless & Keep America & Israel Forever!!!
In Jesus Mighty & Holy Name We Pray!!!
Amen & Amen!!!
Penned By: Sherry Higdon