Meeting With World Leaders, Establishing An Administration For The People The Man, The Mission The M

Heavenly Father…
From Everlasting to Everlasting may our Praises ring eternal. May the sound of our Worship be constant in Your ears!
What an honor and privilege to bring to You our forever Gratitude, our eternal Thanks! We come gladly this morning because Your Love is eternal, Your Presence perpetual!
Your Ways are boundless, Your Thoughts endless. Your Power is limitless, Your Mercy ceaseless.
You are the All-Knowing, All-Seeing, Omnipresent, Omnipotent One True Living God!
Your Strength is constant, Your Might continual, Your Spirit is Endless, Eternal and Everlasting!
We come this day united in Faith, decided in cause for our nation and our future! We seek Your Face, Favor and Forgiveness on behalf of America.
We petition You today to be unceasing in Your pursuit of satan and his disciples who desire to destroy us. Do not relent, do not repent but utterly decimate every demon, devil, principality and power in high places!
Persist, pursue and permanently punish the demons that have embodied individuals in positions of authority and instigated the annihilation of Christianity from our soil and America as a sovereign nation.
We pull down the strongholds of greed, perversion and lust for power. We lacerate lying spirits and demons of propaganda. We maul devils of deception and mutilate instigators of manipulation.
We break the bands of corruption, deceit, greed and manipulation that have kept us in captivity for so long!
We pray for You to bankrupt, degrade and debilitate the bank-rollers, the wealthy, influential and powerful who use their positions to advance satan’s agenda.
We pray Your Favor, Anointing and Wisdom upon Donald Trump as he appoints his new administration. We release our Faith and Trust in YOU to over see this process and to cause Your agenda and Your purpose to prevail!
We plead The Blood of Jesus over the door posts of our lives, over the head of now President Donald Trump, over his Presidency, over The Supreme Court, over our military and police, over our unborn and those abused and abandoned both people and animals, over our congress and every public office and around the borders of our nation. We declare no man on earth and no devil in hell can ever prevail against The Blood!
I declare the Power, Peace, Presence, Purpose, Promotion, Protection, Wisdom, Favor, Anointing and Prosperity of God is upon me and my house, the intercessors, Donald Trump, this Mission and this Movement and it will remain upon us in ever increasing, never ending measure from this day and forever!
To God Be All The Honor And Glory!!! God Bless & Keep America & Israel Forever!!!
In Jesus Mighty & Holy Name We Pray!!! Amen & Amen!!!