He Was Told There Wasn't Time To Honor Our Country, This Was His Response!

Heavenly Father…
We step out of the confines of time and into Your eternal Glory to bring You all our Gratitude, our heart felt Thanksgiving. Our past, present and future depends on our staying in Your Presence with our Praise & Worship.
Father we celebrate the tenacity, perseverance and persistence of our future President! Thank You for bringing a man to the forefront who is not afraid to take charge and not ashamed of his country!
We witnessed the beginning of America being great again as he stood up against those who would so quickly disrespect our nation for the sake of their media schedule!
At a time when this nation has been over run and bullied by our own government, You stepped in and had Donald Trump step up! We Praise You for infusing in him the courage, determination, fortitude and Faith to be our leader!
We take authority over every demon, devil, principality and power sent to disrupt his campaign and destroy our democracy, we bind you, we shackle you, we cuff you, we gag you and cast you into the eternal lake of fire!
We declare we are a people who takes the time to honor our country and our God! We respect our flag, we honor our vets, we esteem our families and we fight for our unborn!
We curse the spirits of political correctness, greed, perversion, lust for power and islam that has permeated America and stolen years from our lives. We reach into the future and prophecy into our present a nation that is dedicated to God and determined to promote Righteousness and right living!
Loose Your angel armies to descend and defend Donald Trump, his family, his businesses, his campaign and his Presidency! We cover him and our nation with The Blood of Jesus and declare NO Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper!!!
Father step out of eternity and into time, show up and show off in this nation for the generation of the lost! Release the supernatural, loose the spectacular so that all may see You as the Big God we know You to be!
We declare there is only one Sovereign, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Almighty, All-Powerful, Absolute God in America and we will no longer be told to stand down, shut up or stay quiet about it!
I declare The Power, Presence, Strength, Might, Favor, Anointing, Wisdom, Knowledge, Insight, Strategies, New Ideas, Revelation, Promotion, Protection and Prosperity of God is upon me and my house, Donald Trump, this Mission and this Movement!
To God Be The Glory Forever & Ever!!!
God Bless America & Israel Forever!!!
In Jesus Mighty & Holy Name!!!
Amen & Amen!!!