Heavenly Father… We come to give all Praise and Honor to The One Who Sits High and looks low. We are undaunted by circumstances, unmoved...

Heavenly Father... We gather to Praise The God Who is our Rock, who sustains and strengthens us, Who is our Fortress, our Deliverer, and...

Heavenly Father… We come to bring all our Love, Honor, and Adoration to You, O Lord. We come because You are our Strength, our Source,...

Heavenly Father… Today we come together to Worship You and celebrate Israel! Our hearts are with them because Your heart is for them. We...

Heavenly Father… We gather at the Gates eager to enter so that we might offer up our unending Gratitude, our eternal Thanksgiving to...

Heavenly Father… We gather as an army from across this nation to Praise and Worship, give Honor and Glory, and bow before The One True...

Heavenly Father… Who resides in Heaven, Holy and Hallowed is Your Name. We gather to give Honor and Glory to You, O God. Our intention is...

Heavenly Father… We gather from across the nation and even some from abroad to offer Gratitude and Thanksgiving to The One True Living...

Heavenly Father… We celebrate, give Thanks and are jubilant because our God saved us from Jezebel and gave us a President with the...

Heavenly Father… We gather this day of one heart and one mind, determined to deliver Gratitude and Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship at...

Heavenly Father… Today we come to join forces with those who have been commissioned to circle the city called Washington DC. Just as in...

Heavenly Father… We come to offer our Gratitude and Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship to our Faithful, Forever Lord. We come to press into...

Heavenly Father… We gather from across America this day to give all Honor and Glory to our God Who surely saves! We come through Heaven's...

Heavenly Father… We have come from across America to give all Praise, Honor, and Glory to You, O God. How Grateful are we that You would...

Heavenly Father… We gather around the Throne of Grace to give Glory to our Keeper and our King! From our hearts and spirits flow rivers...